My Sanctuary
Greetings from the Baker,
I bet you’ve had those days, just like I have, where the trials seem heavy, the stress high and the solutions out of reach. I had one of those days a few weeks ago and I knew that I needed some midday time alone with God. I took my Bible & journal and headed for one of my favorite “sanctuaries”. My prayer was, “Lord speak to me, calm my troubled heart and help me know how to handle what faces me today.” A text immediately came to my mind. “The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace” (Exodus 14:14 ) This was what God said to the children of Israel when they got to the Red Sea and the Egyptians were after them. He didn’t say start swimming or quick build some floatation devices. No, He said the Lord will fight for you. That is powerful! But, how often do I fight for myself? That day the Lord was saying to me, “I’ve got this! You don’t have to fight.” Maybe, just maybe that is a message He wants to send your way too.
Praying for you as we bake today!